Haunting Questions about the Supernatural Answered!

The Haunting Question of the Supernatural revealed! Articles by Minister Clarence F. Sargent (The Ministerofblog)

It is not my intention in this article to explain or even prove every instance of supernatural events. It is my intention however to rip away the mask that the issue of Witchcraft has placed upon itself and still attempts to hide behind! Most of what we see in life as Supernatural is not, but has a natural explanation to it…that is simply a fact. Of those events that do fall under TRUE PARANORMAL happenings, a certain percentage of them will one day be explained by science when we catch up with just how smart the enemy of our soul is!


apcandle_e0What is the “The supernatural”?
It means from the Latin: super- “above” nature pertains to entities, forces or phenomena which are regarded by some as beyond nature, in that they cannot be explained from the notions and laws of the everyday world.

Supernatural themes are often WRONGLY associated with magical and occult ideas and are also a classification for explanations which invoke explanatory constructs that in principle are beyond human conception, understanding or verification.
A majority of super-naturalists of any given religion only believe in a very narrow subset of all supernatural explanations of reality when all the supernatural beliefs of all religions, past and present, are taken together.

Instances of super naturalization; In the Hebrew Bible, plagues and other misfortunes are described as signs of God’s anger or vengeance. All too often in theological discussions, I hear the term supernatural bandied about, and most people on both sides of the argument tend to accept the nebulous term as a sensible concept (whether or not they agree that supernatural events do exist). Miracles such as walking on water are first deemed impossible by the non-believer because they violate the laws of physics; then the believer defends the claim by labeling the event supernatural as if this magically transforms into proof for unbeliever, From there the discussion turns to whether or not this supernatural event actually happened.
What does someone mean when they call something super-natural. What this means is that any event that can happen is natural; in fact, such things can be said to simply fall in the category of the earlier meaning of supernatural given above. The only thing left for supernatural events to be are things which could never be observed, could never in any way affect us. We can present countless, indeed infinite, possible supernatural things (for example, that our universe exists as the super-fast blink of a subatomic particle in some other unreachable meta-universe we can never interact with; or that each subatomic particle in our universe composes an entirely separate universe itself), but we have no reason to believe any of them is true, and such views are not in any way verifiable, and so they are meaningless.
Creation is in itself a miracle of planing and intervention of God. The only possibility I see left is that there are certain absolute natural physical laws to our universe (whether or not we know of them for sure right now), and supernatural events are events that do in fact happen (hypothetically observable to us) but which contradict these absolute laws, at least as far as we understand those laws but as we have learned from history many times there may be exceptions to these laws that countermand the physical laws we can witness now . Which means all evidence in favor of a supernatural event is always circumstantial. And in my view, circumstantial evidence is never adequate to validate supernatural events. I do concede that there must be some point where a body of circumstantial evidence could be so great, that perhaps accepting that a supernatural event happened might be reasonable.
Are supernatural events commonplace. John Wesley: An innately honest man, retained a child-like openness to all forms of natural and supernatural possibility. Human Curiosities, Natural Curiosities, Natural Events, Supernatural Events, Human Curiosities. It was inevitable that one who traveled as extensively as Wesley would encounter unusual people, their achievements, and their eccentricities. (Journal, 1790) For Wesley, the natural and the supernatural were an extension of each other, and he never hesitated to ascribe to divinity events he knew were part of the natural order as well. (Journal, 1773) Some experiences were, of course, beyond scientific explanation.
WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT Haunted houses and places? What about Ghosts? (See 2nd article below on the Haunting question of Ghosts answered from the bible and common sense!)
Conjuring and magic HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SEEN AS supernatural and a surviving form of magic, the truth is that conjuring and magic are using God created things called “WORDS” twisted as a curse. Words are the basic formula that God used to create the universe, words are the framework by which all things consist which is the REAL REASON SATAN twists and perverts the concepts of speech and what we hear in our daily lives!
Believers argue further that just as science has evolved from early, feeble attempts to explain natural events (such as spontaneous generation and the doctrine of humors) into a much more credible modern science, religion has evolved from early feeble attempts to explain supernatural events (such as animism) into the much more credible modern religions. Believers note that the vast majority of humanity, of all races, religions, and ages, believe and have always believed in supernatural phenomena of one form or another. Believers conclude that while some people have invented religions to help them cope with frightening and unexplainable phenomena, others have come to believe in supernatural phenomena through intellectually honest means, having been persuaded by reason, evidence, and experience that the universe cannot be explained by naturalistic explanations alone, but is best understood by acknowledging the Supernatural.
Believers also note that while some people have denied the existence of supernatural phenomena through intellectually honest means, having been persuaded by reason, evidence, and experience that the supernatural does not exist, others have denied the supernatural out of a deep fear that supernatural forces might actually exist and have a real and tangible impact on our lives, and a fear that the universe might be more complex than their theories allow. By its own definition, science is incapable of examining or testing for the existence of the supernatural. Thus, believers in supernatural phenomenon hold that scientific methods would not detect them; therefore the lack of evidence does not matter. Scientists counter that if this is so, then believers in super naturalism themselves would be incapable of witnessing any supernatural phenomenon, as human senses themselves operate within the laws of physics, and can only sense events occurring in the natural, physical world…But our senses were made to commune with a supernatural God so it is possible that we can witness as I have BOTH super and UN-natural events.
John Drane writes that “science is perpetuating “intellectual arrogance” when it does not accept the possibility of supernatural events and miracles”
But what about Ghosts and Haunted Houses?
A haunted house is a building that is a center for supernatural occurrences or paranormal phenomena, but why? Well, The bible talks of demonic strongholds BOTH in Places and People throughout it’s pages and their is NO mystery to why these places and people are “Haunted” with a presence from the past, if you know the whole story behind it! The supernatural can refer to conscious magical witchcraft’s, religious perceptions or unknown forces (Familiar Spirits) that cannot ordinarily be perceived except through their effects in the natural realm. Some examples of “supernatural phenomena” are miracles performed by God, ghosts which are merely Demons IMPERSONATING THE PERSONS THEY ONCE INHABITED IN LIFE in order to deceive mankind about life in the hereafter; psychic abilities like psychokinesis and telepathy are better classified as paranormal than supernatural because they deal with “the mental realm” BUT there are spiritual forces at work BEHIND THESE SO-CALLED ABILITIES. How do I know? I spent 8 years involved in Wicca and then as a black witch practicing many evils upon those I hated and upon myself untold misery as well.
Because of this experience I now believe that Adam and Eve had certain mental and physical abilities FAR BEYOND those we have today but lost the ability to use them over time AFTER the fall. This does not mean that we are supposed to use them today, only that these abilities are under the surface waiting to be STIMULATED BY SPIRITUAL MANIPULATIONS FROM DEMONS IN ORDER TO DECEIVE AND MISLEAD US.
The term supernatural is contrasted with the term natural, which presumes that some events occur according to natural laws, and others do not, because they are caused by forces external to nature. But it must be understood that Satan and all demons are NO LONGER UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE SPIRITUAL REALM, THEY ARE “DEAD SPIRITS” unable to draw from God’s powerful realm so they do what we do when we find ourselves in a position of lacking abilities…THEY LIE ABOUT THEIR REAL POWER WHICH IS SIMPLY “DECEPTION”. Demons simply use the “Natural Laws” of the Universe which Satan knows BETTER that any human scientist because he was there as God’s right hand angel at the creation. The demonic realm bases it’s existence upon the natural laws of creation and “twists and shapes it to form whatever will deceive and manipulate human realities weather that is “Spiritual or Natural” in manifestation. Other individuals assert that events that appear to us to be supernatural occur according to natural laws which we do not yet understand (This is just what I have just said, Satan will use NATURAL LAWS THAT SCIENCE HAS NOT YET FOUND OUT ABOUT TO DECEIVE THE WEAK MINDED TO BELIEVE AND PRACTICE FALSE WORSHIP.).
In contrast to super- naturalists, naturalists assert that all things operate according to a law of evolutionary nature not realizing that God created these laws to work with Spiritual laws of Faith. In contrast to atheists, super-naturalists assert that God, miracles, or other supernatural phenomena are real, verifiable, and part of the laws of nature that we do not yet understand, (this is true to a point because it would be silly for ANY SCIENTIST TO SAY THAT SCIENCE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS. After all, with sciences record of mishaps and down right stupid claims of the past how could they?
O.K. can the supernatural be seen merely as a human coping mechanism? Some believe that human beings ascribe supernatural attributes to purely natural events in an attempt to cope with fear and ignorance. Since the belief in magic is very old and held a great power over the minds and imagination of earlier generations long before the concept of experimental science which you can only believe if you don’t see some evidence out there about forbidden scientific finds in the midst of so-called ignorant savages of the past. He BELIEVES the supernatural does not exist, when most people of most ethnic groups at most points in history have claimed otherwise, is merely to perpetuate the intellectual arrogance of previous generations of Western thinkers, and far from providing an answer to the questions raised by history it merely begs larger and more important questions about the nature of Western intellectual culture. Much of what we call science today was once believed to be supernatural. The control of electricity, the manufacture of steel, radio waves, all were once thought to be beyond the bounds of nature, and therefore supernatural, by conventional scientists. As such, what is believed to be supernatural today may be completely explained tomorrow.
Many claimed supernatural events can be studied by the scientific method; however, once the physical laws by which an event occurs become known, the event is no longer classified as ‘supernatural’. Fundamental supernatural hypotheses are difficult to define, let alone test. Where science is able to address issues in dispute, to correct errors of fact, or to call into question claims of authority grounded in history, it has at times been able to soften antagonisms based on competing supernatural claims. Otherwise, (for example) the politics and morality of a scientist are as subjective or as reliant upon assumptions about the supernatural as those of anyone else — and of course, individuals may decide to remain either passively agnostic about every issue that cannot be tested or actively hostile to claims of authority that cannot be scientifically justified. There have been many attempts to verify claims of supernatural phenomena scientifically. Many events once accepted as supernatural are now understood as manifestations of a natural, explainable nature that were misinterpreted. People that believe in supernatural events accuse those who do not of naturalizing genuinely supernatural events; people that do not believe in supernatural events accuse who do of super-naturalizing genuinely natural events.

Believers can rightly respond to the many instances of super-naturalization by arguing that the fact that super-naturalization often occurs does not refute the existence of the supernatural any more than the fact that scientists often make errors refutes the existence of the natural universe.

The concept of the supernatural has intrigued people of all cultures for thousands of years. Most professors of the natural sciences such as biology, physics, or neuro-science would probably say, if asked, that there was no such thing as the supernatural. What is it about the natural sciences that leads people to deny the existence of the supernatural. The axiom of modern science, by specifying that ALL behavior conforms to the laws of nature, completely rules out all possibility of a supernatural even to occurring in the natural world. And what would a supernatural being be if it existed but could DO absolutely nothing (I’ll tell you, it would be demonic, since they CAN DO NOTHING BUT DECEIVE).
Examples of the effect of science on mysticism and magic abound; eventually it is tempting to assume that ALL tales of the supernatural can be explained scientifically. Therefore, for lack of proof otherwise, we must allow the possibility that a supernatural event could take place. We might wonder what, if not the laws of nature, might cause a supernatural event to occur. We might wonder whether a closed set of laws exists such that in supernatural events these laws are never violated. The problem with this idea is that, assuming such a set of “supernatural laws” exists, there is nothing that prevents the grouping together of the natural laws with the supposed supernatural laws to form a closed set of laws to which all behavior in the universe conforms. Otherwise stated, a set of “supernatural laws”, if it existed, would support the central axiom of science rather than contradict it. This does not, however, mean that supernatural events as observed in the material world cannot be caused.
The Bible teaches that God (who is of course a supernatural being) always keeps His promises, so many of the miraculous things He has done through Jesus Himself and through the saints may be said to conform to a pattern in that regard. However, that does not mean that every supernatural occurrence is an “act of God”, nor does it mean that every”act of God” is done according to a promise He has made.
There are seemingly never ending arguments among many theologians, mystics, parapsychologists, religious leaders and the faithful regarding Supernatural Manifestations, Psychic Powers, Prophecies, etc. For those who do not believe in supernatural events and for those who doubt the truth of the Scriptures. Even if we would refuse to recognize the Sacred Scriptures as Divine Revelations on their own merits, then, through the very laws proposed by Parapsychology to explain away supernatural manifestations, the reality of the Sacred Scriptures would then be verified and confirmed. A Rational man is quick to discount any supernatural manifestation OF ANYTHING BECAUSE IF HE ADMITS THAT THE SUPERNATURAL EXISTS HE MUST ADMIT THAT GOD EXISTS AND HE CANNOT DO THAT , SO THE ONLY OUT IS A NATURAL EXPLANATION.
Let us explore what may be behind these denials of supernatural manifestations. If man cannot deal with supernatural manifestations, man will ignore them. So what lies behind the much talked about, and often denied, supernatural events of the evil nature. To the open eye and observant mind it should be evident that there is a coherent relationship between the original teachings of the Sacred Scriptures and Miracles, which are the legitimate manifestations of the supernatural, to wit:The infinite power of God may be accessed by man, through faith and in accordance to the Will of God, to over come any perceived or real limitation in whatever circumstance he may find himself.
1: Why is there such an insistent move to secularize and/or deny miracles and other supernatural manifestations to the point of attempting to neutralize the Divinity
2: Do the enemies of the supernatural and, thus, of true mysticism have a vested interest in the worldwide consequences that their theories, philosophies, and theological teachings will have? Concepts in the supernatural domain are closely related to concepts in religious spirituality, metaphysics. The supernatural concept is generally identified with religion or other belief systems – though there is much debate as to whether a supernatural is necessary for religion, or that religion is necessary for holding a concept of the supernatural since religion is merely a man made reflection of what God intended and NOT the true reality of his presence.

Those denying the plausibility of the supernatural typically claim that the only events which cannot be studied scientifically are those which cannot be perceived by any means.

If an event claimed to be supernatural really has happened, it can therefore be studied scientifically and is not supernatural. Some examples of supernatural phenomena are miracles and ghosts. The Bible is full of descriptions of supernatural events and divine intervention in human affairs. To a super-naturalist, the point is not whether miracles are supernatural or not, but whether they occur at all. It is important to note that no matter which philosophical assumption one chooses to interpret the observable scientific evidence, either naturalism or super-naturalism, are equally unscientific. But to the issue of whether science can allow for intelligent cause outside of nature itself rather than the blind process of naturalistic evolution, Can science explain phenomena with reference to intelligent agents. Can the supernatural can be observed or not.
Clearly, the Bible is full of accounts of supernatural events and experiences. That is not to say that all supernatural beings or events are observable. But it does mean that the fact that some supernatural events are observable gives us reason to believe that supernatural beings exist, and the fact that we can’t observe them is a consequence of our limitations, rather than any inadequacy on their part. This is medically, scientifically documented in various studies and reports, and is an observable change brought on by belief (or appeal to) supernatural causes. Yet even this would suggest that, positive or negative, prayerful appeal to the supernatural, God or Satan has observable results. Life by way of the supernatural, or by way of a naturalistic mechanism for evolution, are both equally untestable, and unobservable.
Other Objections are that One supernatural explanation cannot be distinguished from another. This presupposes that all supernatural explanations are the same. It implies that invoking the supernatural is a blanket explanation (An excuse for common ignorance). That supposition exposes another attribute of the objection itself: it is based on materialistic naturalism, which assumes a prior that no supernatural event can ever occur at all. While for a single event it may be impossible to distinguish between different supernatural explanations, the same thing is true of natural explanations. Distinguishing between different explanations, whether natural or supernatural, requires repeated events so that a pattern can be observed (Isn’t this the job of science?). In this case there are different sightings that match each theory such as studying a ghost’s behavior so we distinguish between two different supernatural explanations for ghosts (An intelligent haunting or one that seems to match the living surroundings as if to interact with those who live there vs. a residual haunting or one that plays the same thing over and over as if reliving a life that has passed….Both can be explained by demonic activity).
There are difficulties in generalizing supernatural explanations but that does not mean that it is impossible. Difficulties in generalizing supernatural explanations can result from several causes: Rarity of a supernatural event is one such as the Reed sea parting for Moses. Some supernatural events do not happen frequently enough (maybe only once) to make a generalization possible, but the same thing could occur with natural events, if similar events do not occur frequently enough to observe more than a few occurrences. If similar supernatural events are not adequately observed then generalizations may be impossible because of the lack of information. Many supernatural events clearly involve intelligent entities and the behavior of intelligent entities would be hard, but not necessarily impossible, to generalize, particularly when dealing with more than one non-human intelligent entity. Some events once thought to be supernatural are now known to be natural. Such events were deemed to be supernatural because nature was poorly understood by those who made such claims. However a scientific application of supernatural explanations concludes that natural process are inadequate, not because of lack of knowledge but because of the actual inability of chance and natural law to provide an adequate explanation such as the creation of the Universe vs. Evolution.
It is possible that a supernatural explanation could be replaced by a natural one if more data becomes available (i.e Proof of the opposite having occurred), but the reverse is also possible. Finding the natural causes of things, does not totally negate supernatural causes and purposes (For example God can and has USED the Natural to bring about his plans i.e.Jesus’ death on the cross to bring salvation to man). Some aspects of Quantum physics suggest that even natural causes have underlining supernatural causes. A supernatural explanation can only be postulated by eliminating all possible natural explanations. This objection presupposes that supernatural explanations are magical as if simply invoking the supernatural is an explanation; this is not the case. A proper supernatural explanation would explain how the event happened, but simply not be limited to the natural laws of our physical universe. In other words creationists are quick to point out that the supernatural is the cause for the existence of life and natural laws to sustain it. However simply because the supernatural has created life it doesn’t mean that it cannot supersede the natural laws governing creation. He might conclude, since this behavior violates natural law, that something from outside space time (supernatural by definition) is causing the space time bend.
If a supernatural event is studied long enough or multiple supernatural events were studied, some details about the supernatural cause might be deduced, just as is done with unseen natural objects like subatomic particles. This objection equates the supernatural to superstition, but the two are not equivalent. Numerous events in Earth’s history require a super-naturalistic belief system before they can be correctly interpreted or understood. There is nothing in the definition of science that precludes a supernatural hypothesis.

In fact, many of the scientific fathers who created the very science still in use today relied upon God or a supernatural divine force that created first and sustained that creation with natural laws of physics, chemistry and mathematics to govern it.

The denial of the supernatural that is part of naturalism is a purely philosophical and essentially atheistic position. By excluding supernatural hypotheses from consideration, materialists eliminate out of hand a large body of possible explanations for past, present and future phenomena. In origins and historical research, a total denial of the supernatural will cause grave error where supernatural events have indeed occurred; therefore supernatural explanations must be considered where appropriate.
Although it might seem obvious that such an event had taken place whether you believe in super-naturalism or not, it is important to recognize the depth and breadth of the strata covering the Earth before a person can understand the reliance of this interpretation upon one presupposition belief system or the other. Given the volumes of rock involved, it simply would not be possible for any land animal to survive a flood able to create the entire geologic column without supernatural intervention, and yet the world is filled with a plethora of fragile lifeforms. I believe that supernatural events are natural events that we are not advanced enough to explain in the sense that a supernatural God uses his advanced knowledge of natural law to do something in our realm that seems at the time to beyond nature but is really just ahead of our knowledge about these things.
If we were to go back 2,000 years ago and clone a sheep, it would be considered a supernatural event by many of the people from that time period would it not? We naturally survive death and the only supernatural thing about it is we don’t fully understand it yet but when we get there we will automatically know as we are known by God now. I think the skeptic calls them supernatural because it helps them to separate these things from the natural order of things and this protects their belief system, after all its all about what we work so hard to tell ourselves NOT THE FACTS IN FRONT OF US THAT MATTER…..RIGHT?. The only supernatural thing about psychic ability and life after death is that we don’t fully understand them. They aren’t being debated here and can’t be compared to supernatural events people claim to observe.
Basically: 1.) Supernatural events are excluded deliberately in science. Originally the principle may well have been adopted (in ancient Greece) because it was a much more fruitful way to understand the world than super-naturalism. This does not mean that supernatural events may not be investigated as science. “Supernatural” events can be either subsumed under those ultimate laws, or science cannot be fruitfully applied to them at all.
2.)Those asserting the occurrence of supernatural events and entities usually describe them as having been observed or experienced firsthand, a testimony being so unique that they cannot deny it took place as in my case having experienced events so profound in witchcraft that no one can convince me otherwise as opposed to the Atheists who have experienced NOTHING BUT DENY EVERYTHING.
Those denying the plausibility of supernatural events typically define them as events which cannot be perceived by natural or empirical senses, and whose understanding may be said to lie with religious, magical, or otherwise mysterious explanation-yet remains firmly outside of the realm of science. But we can only know that a supernatural event is impossible if we know in advance that materialism is the correct world-view which it is not. Its one thing to suggest that belief in the supernatural is unreasonable (as Hume said), but we must agree that it is possible. Once we accept that supernatural causation is logically possible, the question is whether we have evidence for the existence of the supernatural. The argument against the supernatural becomes inherently weak when a simple believer in the supernatural transforms into a living personal testimony to the supernatural upon witnessing something they truly know to be “supernatural”. The genuine witness to the supernatural will make his case by the detail in which he describes his account of that which he truly knows to be supernatural.
The problem of the situation becomes clear when we hear personal testimony of an account or event which on its surface can only be classified as supernatural. This description of the supernatural suggests the following inquiry: if this is not supernatural what is it, natural? And if so….PROVE IT with the same fervor you say I must prove God to be real. Remember that all beliefs are open to objection UNTIL REAL EVIDENCE IS PUT FORTH, THEN IT’S “PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS” TIME which is where all Atheists and Skeptics must PUT UP OR SHUT UP! It is a well known fact that beliefs PROVE NOTHING without Evidence to back them up and God has given so much Evidence to back up his claims that it is sheer folly to deny it’s plain existence before our eyes.haunted

As I taught in my previous article about the supernatural, ALL haunted places and I’ve been in many of them around the world; are inhabited by a Demonic presence without question. Why? Anyone who has dealt with demons in Deliverance ministries or in the Occult as I have for 37 years, knows the curious connection between how ghosts act and how “Familiar Spirits” act, they are ONE AND THE SAME THING. All these haunted places were once inhabited by people for long periods of time who lived and died there. During their lives they experienced many heart rending times that for good or bad created a residual energy in that area, empowered by their familiar spirits inside them they both created the atmosphere of what we call a haunted location. BUT what causes the residual effects of a past life to LINGER OVER HUNDREDS OF YEARS? This is a great question and it has a simple answer, but the problem we have as humans is that we love the “Romantic haunted story” even if the truth takes the hit in the end. You will notice in ALL hauntings as in a ALL the so-called “Past Life” stories that they are filled with the exciting stories and there’s never a dull moment in any part of the tales told (In other words you will never hear of a past life as an UNIMPORTANT PERSON, THEY ARE ALWAYS KINGS & QUEENS). There has never been a DULL PAST LIFE EXPERIENCE and never will be. Just as no haunting is ever at a place where there are no “Scary Tales” to further the goose bumps.The first thing we must eliminate then is the problem of “False stories” or simple Urban Legends that are told over and over again to PRODUCE A FEELING IN THE MINDS OF THOSE WHO HEAR THEM, A SENSE OF FEAR OR DREAD which attracts the demonic concerning that area or property (A sort of self fulfilling prophecy). This is a trick of the Enemy to cause us to be off our guard concerning the real issue of who is really haunting us?. ALL haunting  of ALL types are the result directly or indirectly by “Familiar spirits” who USED to inhabit the people and ground that is haunted, because of family bloodlines or curses caused by a family sin in the past. As a believer we are sensitive to all things spiritual BUT hauntings are closer to the flesh and soul realm than to anything spiritual simply because demons are spirits TRAPPED in the physical plain of existence IMITATING THOSE THEY USED TO INHABIT AS A HOME IN LIFE and can no longer live out in physical form. Demons are very territorial creatures, they MUST stay in the area or the person’s (Family) they were assigned too. This is their personal curse that God has placed on them, an eternal curse of never being satisfied with real life themselves but suffering in the lives of the dammed until their death and being condemned to walk the earth as if they were that person until the judgment. Ghosts are prominent in the popular cultures of various nations as demons are and are often depicted as inhabiting haunted houses, especially houses where murders or great upheaval has occurred. Demons just as ghosts have personalities usually similar to that which they had when they were in physical manifestation of the people they inhabited in life. Who better to imitate you than the spirit that ruled your flesh and blood body in life? Ghosts will often take on the look of a misty, semitransparent or fog-like human form. Hauntings in one form or another seem to be a relatively common part of the human experience as far as the fact that all of us know about them even if we do not believe in them. Most skeptics declare that Ghosts, are a psychological phenomena: “we see them because we expect to or want to see them”, this is somewhat true but does not answer the full question nor the complete body of evidence. The common opinion (as in the T.V. show “Ghost Wisperer” which I personally like as a show!) is that ghosts are departed souls who have lived and died on this earth, but for some reason have elected or been forced to remain on this earth plane after death. This goes against God’s written word which says the following:

In Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men ONCE to die, but AFTER THIS the judgment:” This one verse alone defeats the purpose of a ghost being here UNLESS that spirit has already been judged and we know that NO human spirit will be judged until the books are opened at the end. Notice that this verse ONLY APPLIES TO MAN and not demons or Satan himself, their judgment has already come according to:

Psalm 149:8-9 “To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute upon them the judgment (Already) written: this honor have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.”

This Psalm is a psalm of Judgment over the Kings and rulers of the air which control behind the scenes the earthly Kings and Rulers on earth which we as believers control because they have received their judgment and limitations by God.
Throughout the Bible it is stated that when anyone died “they were gathered unto their people” in the Old covenant this place was called “Paradise or Abraham’s Bosom” this was a true parable told by our Lord in Luke 16:19-31
“There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime received st thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldst send him to my father’s house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.”

There is NO WAY AROUND THIS PARABLES TRUTH even if you spiritulize it away it contains to many truths to avoid…..Physical Death separates us from THIS PRESENT WORLD and we cannot ever come back to “Haunt” anyone and according to father Abraham it wouldn’t do any good if we could! Ghosts, ghost stories, haunted houses, haunted places, cemeteries, and paranormal research. Ghosts have often been explained as hallucinations which could explain much of what people have seen BUT not all that has been seen or heard can be explained this way.
Ghosts have many different definitions depending on who you ask and usually they appear in the outfits worn during the time period they lived in which begs the question “why do spirits need clothes?”
Not really a problem since the Righteous ware white robes in heaven this is not hard to explain.

Remember that the Familiar spirits spent a “literal lifetime” in the time period of their hosts so it follows that they would appear as their host appeared in that time. These spirits have actually been seen more in people’s homes, and buildings than in graveyards. And when seen at haunted houses are believed by many ghost experts to be a ‘psychic recording’ or “Residual leftover” sometimes contained in crystal formations around the area that has been imprinted in the earth’s magnetic energy field which is why we can pick up on their presence with E.M.F. (Electro Magnetic Fields) which may be the result of human emotions that have been projected during traumatic events.

This is the standard line given to us but may or may not be true.
The real truth is that the demons that were in these people when they died are now projecting a FALSE IMAGE to us about life after death, an ENDLESS REPEATING OF PAST SINS just as in past life Reincarnation.
Ghosts just as Demons interact with the living or just make acknowledgment with a quick glance or eye contact as in demon possession.
Some religions, especially Christianity, have taught many that ghosts do not exist, I assure you they are very real BUT not what we’ve been taught they are!
Today, many Christians say they believe in angels, but will not even consider the existence of ghosts or Demons…you CANNOT have one without the other, the Bible is clear about it why can’t the Church be.
This is also due in part to the “Hollywood” teaching of ghosts & the fear that has been created through horror movies, the demonic realm has been given far more power than it really has at it’s disposal. We have been taught to fear the spiritual, the paranormal, ghosts & hauntings when it is the “Physical Laws” of this Universe at play through the deceptive campaigns of Satan’s minions that are hidden behind these “Haunting misdirections”. Therefore, it is important for us to seek with an open mind (Protected by the Word of God) while trying to understand the spiritual world of God and the “Physical soulish realm” that ghosts inhabit from a fresh perspective.

Belief in ghosts as souls of the departed is closely tied to the ancient concept of animism, which attributed souls to everything in nature, including human beings, animals, plants, rocks as EQUAL which is soundly disproved by the bible by the fact that the Creator is over and above His creation AND HAS GIVEN TO MAN A SPECIAL SPIRIT IN HIS UNIQUE IMAGE.
Another widespread belief concerning ghosts is that they were composed of a misty, airy, or subtle material NOT a tangible substance which can be seen or handled as Christ was after the resurrection.

Anthropologists speculate that this may also stem from early beliefs that ghosts were the person within the person, most noticeable in ancient cultures as a person’s breath, which upon exhaling in colder climates appears visibly as a white mist. Although the evidence for ghosts is largely anecdotal, the belief in ghosts throughout history has remained widespread and persistent. In many historical accounts, they were thought to be deceased people looking for vengeance, or imprisoned on earth for bad things they did during life.
Many stories from the Middle Ages and the Romantic era rely on the macabre and the fantastic such as in Shakespearian plays, and ghosts are a major theme in literature from those eras.
If from antiquity to the present, and since the beginning of man, there are men who have seen the bodies of ghosts and spirits and heard their voices, how can we say that they do not exist? Many Eastern religious traditions also subscribe to the concept of ghosts. The Hindu Garuda Purana has detailed information about ghosts.
The Hebrew Torah and the Bible contain a few references to ghosts, associating spiritualism with forbidden occult activities and thereby connected to the Demonic! Reports of ghosts “seen out of the corner of the eye” may be accounted for by the sensitivity of human peripheral vision, many tricks of the eye are plainly mistaken for spiritual occurrences.
Possibly the next most famous apparitions are the ghosts of A Christmas Carol, where the ghost of Jacob Marley, The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present and The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come help Ebenezer Scrooge see the error of his ways while a good moral story are false in their presentation.
Films including or centering on ghosts are common, and span a variety of genres. So, those who believe in poltergeists, ghosts, and haunted houses can always take refuge in the fact that nobody ever has enough information to debunk every ghost story, and even if they did, the next one might prove the debunker’s wrong.
The shapes that both ghosts and demons take can vary from almost human to animals, spiral rings, haze, orbs, balls of light, rods or ribbons.
All of them are spirits that have lived in physical (corporeal) form at some point in time. As “Ghosts” demons choose to live close to the family they were part of when they were in a physical body, hense…”Bloodline Curses” which follow families to the 4th and 5Th generations. Some like to remain in the physical frequency of the home in which they once lived if no bloodline exists then they must stick around the ground of the curse until a someone invites them into their life. As in all things the deceptive powers of some of them are positive while some are negative in energy.
Those involved in ghost research believe the ghosts may actually be a form of psychic or mental energy that was left behind, they are not far off the mark here as the “Thoughts of the host person” the devils formally inhabited are one and the same as that of the spiritual entity left behind.
This is why some ghosts appear to be mere recordings on the environment in which they once existed this is the only thing left of them inside these deceptive entities doomed to replay their lives as it happened.
These types of spirits do not interact directly with or seem to be aware of the living but in fact have a pattern in which they are trapped, this is their deceptive appearance to us BUT demons are very dangerous and should never be underestimated.
Some investigators, believe that poltergeist activity is not caused by “Ghosts” in the traditional sense at all, but by certain living people under stress, I do not believe that this is simply of Human origin but must be with the help of the demonic.
As I have stated before Adam and Eve both had “Mental” powers in use BEFORE SIN ENTERED the race of man and now these dormant abilities must be agitated by certain other forces outside of man in order to have a limited use of them at certain times, under certain conditions. E.S.P or Extra Sensory Perception is most likely once you eliminate the phonies a real ability that God put in man to use to commune with him in the Garden.
There is no biblical proof of this BUT on the other hand there is no evidence that it is not so.

In the final showing the phenomena of “ghosts” who are really demons and the “haunting” they perpetrate are very real experiences to those who are sensitive to them.
Although the supposed links between ghosts and electromagnetic fields, low temperatures, radiation, odd photographic images, and so on are based on guesses, unproven theories, and wild conjecture at times this IN NO WAY does away with the real phenomenon.
The evidence for ghosts is no better today than it was a year ago, a decade ago, or a century ago and this is how Satan keeps us on the edge of knowledge and conforming to his deceptive ways.

Scientists say that ghosts, if they exist, contain no matter, no energy, and therefore according to the laws of science, do not exist except in peoples minds. Isn’t it amazing that the same science that has proven the “MIND” of man exists says in the same breath that “What is in that mind CANNOT EXIST!”
At the present time, science doesn’t validate the existence of ghosts or demons but is no longer closed or opposed to research and experimentation to find future proof of both.


The Paranormal

Is there another paranormal world of the unseen existing within our midst?
The Bible makes it clear that there is and makes no apologies to that fact as I do not. The real question is not”Is there a paranormal world?
“but rather what kind of world is it?
The most famous ghost hunters today are two plumbers who moonlight as paranormal investigators, seen in the popular Sci-Fi Channel reality show “Ghost Hunters” and I think they are the best on the subject of hunting ghosts to date although they do not realize what they are delving into is 100% demonic all around at least they don’t fall for the fake stuff and do a great job of debunking. There has been a huge upsurge lately in the Paranormal field on T.V. with shows like “Ghost Adventures” on the travel Channel, “Extreme Paranormal” where they leave all safety to the wind and provoke Demonic entities for contact; this is fun to watch from the safety of home but is so stupid on their part I can’t express well enough! It has become a race to see who finds the evidence faster and who’s is better. We must be very careful when dealing with spirits bound in the “flesh and blood” world system as they have the major advantage over us as sinners without God. Let’s face it, regardless of what I (or other people say), most people will remain skeptical until they personally experience something of a paranormal (meaning outside of the normal experience) or unexplained nature; and even then will find any and every reason to deny what they see or feel.

There is more than just a “graveyard” awaiting all of us at death and far more to the afterlife than hanging around haunting the living.We as believers know that life begins at physical death for we are all born to be eternal, it is only a matter of where we spend that eternal life not IF we live it!

Poltergeists on the other hand enjoy mischief and can get violent, this is in the nature of all demons.
They are blamed for unexplained noises, such as wall-banging, rapping, footsteps and even music.
Demons like to make noise and toss objects around as if they’re throwing a childish tantrum. Poltergeists or (noisy ghosts) are notorious for dragging their chains, dropping dishes from a shelf, or even hurling objects across a room.
It is worth noting that while mainstream Protestants and Evangelical Christians believe in the existence of principalities, they do not believe in ghosts (as spiritual manifestations of the dead) and would generally attribute more violent ghosts, such as poltergeists, to the actions of demons.
This is a biblical Fact not the misgivings of a few religious people thumping a bible. It is silly to think that human beings simply stay here when they die, that is NOT eternal life. It is even more dumb that some Christians believe this when the Bible clearly does NOT teach that at all. The Bible says that to be ABSENT from the physical body here IS TO BE PRESENT before the Lord; so we must give up our false beliefs for the truth! GHOSTS ARE DEMONS nothing more NOTHING LESS!

The FALSE BELIEF that ghosts are for the most part good spirits, just as people are for the most part good (A real bad error in itself) is the most deceptive of beliefs and can lead to great harm when in direct contact with them.
Do not be deceived this is a real issue and many people have been harmed who go into any paranormal experience without proper knowledge of what God thinks about it. Please understand the spirit world and picture in your mind how ghosts haunt and how the bible says demons act and you will be well armed against all their deceptive tactics.
When it comes to searching for ghosts, you’d think that only the most reliable methods would be used in an attempt to get solid evidence for something as mysterious and elusive as a spirit.
Yet in ghost hunting, often the less scientific the methods and equipment, the more likely a researcher is to find “evidence” for ghosts this in itself proves that demons do not want to have solid evidence used because that would end all the deceptions once and for all.
That is why there are no TRUE CHRISTIAN ghost hunters because “Demons”cannot manifest UNLESS we say so though the power of God in us and no true believer will DO anything but CAST them out in Jesus Name!
The uncomfortable reality that ghost hunters carefully avoid IS the elephant in the tiny, haunted room is of course that no one has ever shown that any of this equipment actually detects ghosts BUT I know for a fact that a true born-again believer can CAST OUT every ghost, every time. (But of course that would bankrupt all the tourist traps that count on “Ghosts” to bring in the money!)

If a device could reliably determine the presence or absence of ghosts, then by definition, ghosts would be proven to exist. Because the standard of evidence is so low, it’s little wonder that ghost hunters often find “evidence” (but never proof) of ghosts.
The whole idea of ghosts runs into trouble as soon as a little logic is applied to the situation at hand.
There are SO MANY explanations outside of the paranormal realm in the Physical realm to explain these things that it is no wonder so many skeptics exist in regards to the supernatural. They are real but stay hidden just beyond the shadows so as not to disprove a host of other deceptions Satan has built!
This is why I have spoken up about this subject as I have because to much time is spent chasing “Shadows” instead of solid evidence in regards to the “Supernatural”!


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